19 February 2024 |
GO-SHIP at 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting in New Orleans
GO-SHIP had it's 7th face-to-face Committee meeting ahead of the Ocean Sciences Meeting and will report on the status of GO-SHIP at
this town hall on Monday at 12:45 local time.
15 February 2024 |
Australia on I9S
RV Investigator is presently sampling GO-SHIP section I9S.You can follow the vessel (with live webcam) here.
5 February 2024 |
US on A13.5
The occupation of US GO-SHIP A13.5 in the southeastern Atlantic Ocean is underway. The science party met the R/V Langseth docked in Cape Verde after loading most of their gear in Norfolk, Virginia in advance. The Langseth is heading south along the transect and hopes to complete the full line after two failed attempts due to COVID. Follow the cruise here.
25 March 2023 |
NOAA on A16N
After some last minute changes in the science team, the US are now underway to reoccupy A16N with RV Ron Brown. Follow the cruise here.
8 December 2022 |
JAMSTEC is calling for an EOI for auxiliary projects on P14N in 2023
JAMSTEC is calling for an expression of interest for auxiliary projects onboard R/V Mirai on her revist to P14N in 2023 (Oct-Nov). Further information are available here.
9 October 2022 |
GO-SHIP Science Committee Teleconference
The Minutes of the last Science Committee Teleconference (9 Sep) are now available here.
9 September 2022 |
Japan on P9
Japan is presently underway on section P9.
5 June 2022 |
GO-SHIP Science Committee Teleconference
The Minutes of the last Science Committee Teleconference (12 May) are now available here.
3 April 2022 |
USA on P2
RV Roger Revelle is underway to Hawai for the first leg of P2. The second leg will then lead to San Diego.
15 March 2022 |
GO-SHIP Science Committee Teleconference
The Minutes of the last Science Committee Teleconference (14 February) are now available here.
28 February 2022 |
Germany in the South Atlantic
Polarstern will shortly leave Cape Town to sample partial sections of A12/SR4.
31 Januaryry 2022 |
Spain on A10
A Spanish SAGA Cruise between 34.5 S and 11.5 S will begin shortly.
25 October 2021 |
A workshop took place today to discuss the recently awarded Bio-GO-SHIP pilot.
21 September 2021 |
GO-SHIP Science Committee Teleconference
The Minutes of the last Science Committee Teleconference (8 September) are now available here.
31 August 2021 |
Japan on P1 / P3W
RV Mirai occupied line P1 in August. 26 missing stations at the eastern end could not be sampled and are now planned for 2023. Japan is now underway on P3W.
14 June 2021 |
Spain and France on A25-OVIDE
The Spanish RV Sarmiento de Gamboa is halfway across the Northern Atlantic on line A25; the vessel had to turn around shortly after the departure from Vigo for a medical evacuation but could resume the cruise afterwards. Some live data is available by clicking on the ship in the middle here.
8 June 2021 |
GO-SHIP Science Committee Teleconference
The Minutes of the last Science Committee Teleconference (27 May) are now available here.
18 May 2021 |
Rotation of Co-Chairs
During the 12th session of the GOOS Observations Coordination Group (OCG-12) GO-SHIP announced that Co-Chair Rik Wanninkhof will rotate off and that Leticia Barbero (NOAA) will be the new Co-Chair of the network.
The GO-SHIP Science Committee and broader GO-SHIP community thanks Rik Wanninkhof very much for his efforts and committment over the last 6 years as GO-SHIP Co-Chair.
17 May 2021 |
A20/22 completed with success
With 1 day ahead of schedule and hot having missed any of the 90 stations planned on both cruises for A20/22, R/V TG Thompson arrived after a very successful mission at WHOI today; all weekly reports are available here.
18 March 2021 |
US underway on A20/22
After 2 weeks of pre-boarding isolation, the R/V TG Thompson has departed and is now on its way to the test station. From the Chief Scientist, Ryan Woosley: "The weather was quite cold and windy. The seas are calm so far, but will likely pick up in a couple of days..."; cruise updates are available here.
28 February 2021 |
GO-SHIP Science Committee Teleconference
The Minutes of the last Science Committee Teleconference (18 February) are now available here.
23 December 2020 |
GO-SHIP Science Committee Teleconference
The Minutes of the last Science Committee Teleconference (3 December) are now available here.
13 October 2020 |
JAMSTEC calling for piggyback projects on P01 in 2021 summer
Under the current pandemic, all aspects of the cruise project with RV Mirai are subject to change including last-minute cancellation of the cruise. It is a very busy cruise and there will not be spare cruise time for projects, but some sampled water and laboratory space might be available. If interested, find full details here.
20 August 2020 |
New data product: GO-SHIP Easy Ocean
GO-SHIP has developed the protocols and methods to generate a data product that concatenates all occupations of individual sections into a time-series; the GO-SHIP Easy Ocean (Katsumata et al. 2020). It provides access to the analysis-ready gridded GO-SHIP Easy Ocean product that enhances the accessibility of this unique data set that spans four decades, comprised of more than 40 cross-ocean transects, many with multiple repeats. The product is available
26 May 2020 |
GO-SHIP Science Committee Teleconference
The Minutes of the last Science Committee Teleconference (29 April) are now available here.
30 March 2020 |
COVID-19 impact on Research Cruises
Because of the Corona-Virus, almost all research ship operations have been cancelled at global scale and most ships are in lockdown in ports. No GO-SHIP cruises will be possible in the short-term future. The impact on the network, and Global Ocean Observing System in general, is under investigation and monitored through IOC/WMO/JCOMMOPS.
13 February 2020 |
Japan completed Indian sections
JAMSTEC has completed the combined I8N-I7S cruise on RV Mirai. 5 stations had to be skipped due to bad weather/limited ship time, leaving about 100 miles without deep data; otherwise, the mission was complete and successful.
19 January 2020 |
UK on A5
RRS James Cook has left Florida today and will occupy GO-SHIP line A5 eastbound until early March. More information are available here.
9 January 2020 |
GO-SHIP 6 Meeting Report
The Final Report of the 6th face-to-face GO-SHIP Committee meeting and background documents are now available from the event website.
12 December 2019 |
A roadmap for IndOOS-2: Indian Ocean Observing for the next decade
Published as a joint CLIVAR/GOOS publication and launched this week during the AGU meeting, the full IndOOS review is now available here. The Executive Summary was already published some weeks ago and is available here.
1O October 2019 |
Updated GO-SHIP nutrient manual published
On behalf of the International SCOR working group #147, "Towards comparability of global oceanic nutrient data" and the writing team led by
Susan Becker (SIO-UCSD, USA), we are happy to inform you that the updated version of the GO-SHIP nutrient manual entitled: "The precise and accurate determination of dissolved inorganic nutrients in seawater;
Continuous Flow Analysis methods and laboratory practices" has been published. This GO-SHIP manual is a rewrite of the original version by Hydes et al. (2010), and reviews basic sample collection and storage,
aspects of CFA using an Auto-Analyzer, and specific nutrient methods in use by many laboratories doing repeat hydrography. The document also covers laboratory best practices including quality control and quality assurance (QC/QA) procedures to obtain the best results, and suggests protocols for the use of reference materials (RM) and certified reference materials (CRMs). It is available from the Hydro Manual section or directly here.
9 October 2019 |
AtlantOS QC Software
The final version of the AtlantOS interactive tool for making the first Quality Control (1st QC, QC1) on Hydrographic Cruise Data is available here.
12 September 2019 |
Sixth meeting of the GO-SHIP SC
The GO-SHIP Science Committee and invited experts will meet face-to-face on 15 September in Hawaii, back-to-back with the OceanObs19 Conference. More details here.
1 September 2019 |
GOOS looking for SC Members
GOOS is looking for six new and enthusiastic members to join its Steering Committee. Deadline for applications is 30 September. Further information.
7 August 2019 |
OceanObs19 CWP
The GO-SHIP Community White Paper for OceanObs19 is now available here.
12 July 2019 |
Japan on 40N
JMA has started a GO-SHIP cruise on line 40N today which will last until early August.
27 June 2019 |
GO-SHIP Science Committee Teleconference
The Minutes of the last Science Committee Teleconference are now available here.
19 May 2019 |
Spain again on A17
The expedition FICARAM-XVIII along line A17 line was finished today by RV BIO HESPERIDES in Las Palmas. The cruise began in Ushuaia (Argentina) on 5 April. A total of 77 stations was completed.
14 May 2019 |
GOOS 2030 Strategy
The GOOS Steering Committee has published a 2030 strategy document, which is available here.
13 May 2019 |
Thomson back from challenging I6S cruise
The ship is back in Cape Town, most stations have been sampled with success and many floats been deployed, but a series of partially unpredicatable issues (engine, health and weather) led to a 11.5 degree gap left unsampled along 30 deg E. Read the whole story on the blog, here.
3 April 2019 |
US on I6S
R/V Thomas T. Thompson has just left Cape Town for a reoccupation of line I6S. Further cruise information are available here.
7 March 2019 |
GO-SHIP recommendation for South Atlantic Sections
The GO-SHIP Science Committee discussed with input from further experts the close zonal sections A9.5/10/10.5 in the South Atlantic and released a recommendation which is available in the document section, or directly here.
15 February 2019 |
Teleconference of the Science Committee
Minutes from the 29 January teleconference have been reviewed and are now available here. The table with cruise plans has been updated accordingly and now also comprises the sponsoring agency and responsible SC member.
23 January 2019 |
GO-SHIP Science Committee: ToRs
The GO-SHIP Science Committee has published its updated Terms of Reference, which are available here.
20 December 2018 |
Chair rotation, and a tale of two ships
Bernadette Sloyan rotates off this week from a nine-year stint as GO-SHIP Co-Chair; read her latest contribution in a "Tale of two Ships". Thanks Bernadette, on behalf of the GO-SHIP Community, for excellent leadership, and good luck Elaine McDonagh as new co-chair!
12 December 2018 |
Bibliography: Citation tracking
A Google Scholar Repository is now fully synchronized with the GO-SHIP Zotero Bibliography (see subpage), therewith tracking citations and providing a good indicator for uptake of GO-SHIP data.
Please submit any missing publications by e-Mail to coordinator Martin Kramp.
20 November 2018 |
NOCS is recruiting a Physical Oceanographer
The National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, UK, is recruiting a Physical Oceanographer (permanent senior researcher position) to work with new GO-SHIP Co-Chair Elaine McDonagh on aspects of the oceans role in the climate system.
The role has a focus on analysis of observations and heat uptake. For details click here. |
2 October 2018 |
South Africa on associated GO-SHIP line SAMBA.
In September, SA Agulhas II occupied the Samba reference line as every year and also deployed a number of autonomous instruments. |
20 August 2018 |
GO-SHIP Committee Meeting.
The GO-SHIP Committee had its quarterly videoconference, minutes are available here |
13 February 2018 |
GO-SHIP welcomes Caroline Cusack as the Irish national representative of the GO-SHIP committee

Caroline Cusack is an Oceanographic Services team leader in the MI Ocean Sciences & Information Services group.
She has a Marine Science honours degree and PhD on the diatoms, Pseudo-nitzschia (Peragallo) in Irish waters from the National University of Ireland, Galway,
and a diploma in project management from the Institute Project Management, Ireland. She is a member of the ICES WG on Oceanic Hydrography and the ICES WG on Harmful Algal Bloom Dynamics.
Part of her work involves organising and participating, often as Chief scientist, in multidisciplinary oceanographic surveys with experience in coastal, shelf and deep sea Atlantic waters.
Her main professional interests include understanding the impact of both human pressures (nutrient enrichment, climate change) and natural phenomena (harmful algal blooms) on the state of the marine environment.
She has experience working on projects related to biological oceanography, water quality, marine food safety, climate change and ocean observation with a focus on phytoplankton distribution studies,
biophysical interactions, satellite remote technology and moored systems.
Caroline is an experienced project manager of European and National projects,
and a winner of the 2013 EU COPERNICUS (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) Masters Prize for the best earth-monitoring service for European citizens.
17 January 2018 |
JAMSTEC calling for international cooperation on board MIRAI on her (re)visit to IO8N and IO7S in 2019/20.
Additional observations, floats deployments, etc. are welcome. See details to apply here. Deadline: 28th February 2018 |
8 October 2017 |
USA on P06
In two legs, from early July to late September, RV Nathaniel B. Palmer has completed a P06 cruise. Numerous floats were also deployed. |
8 August 2017 |
Japan on P13
RV Ryofu Maru has revisited the northern part of P13. |
12 June 2017 |
PhD Scholarship at UNSW (Oceanography/Applied Mathematics, Deadline 21 July)
A prestigious Scientia PhD scholarship is available on a competitive basis to a high-achieving talented student for the following research project at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia:
"Changes in Ocean Ventilation: Deconvolutions of Hydrographies and High-Resolution Modelling", see details here. |
29 May 2017 |
Video: Irish A02 Cruise
Ireland has completed the A02 cruise with RV Celtic Explorer; a video is now available here. |
19 May 2017 |
Ocean Observers Workshop 13-14 June, Brest
Euro-Argo & JCOMMOPS (UNESCO-IOC/WMO) are co-organizing a workshop on ocean observing educational activities. The meeting will be held in Oceanopolis Aquarium in Brest, 13-14 June 2017.
Registration is open! More Information here. |
28 April 2017 |
Ireland on A02
Ireland as one of the "youngest" GO-SHIP members is now on A02 with RV Celtic Explorer, another very good example for international cooperation. News from the cruise are available on this blog. |
12 March 2017 |
Mirai has finished P17 cruise
The Japanese RV Mirai has successfully completed section P17(E). The ship had left Punta Arenas on 8 February and arrived in Auckland on 5 March. |
21 February 2017 |
Prince Albert I Medalist 2017: Lynne Talley
Lynne Talley, GO-SHIP Executive Group Member and Distinguished Professor at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, is the Prince Albert I Medal recipient 2017: 'For her seminal contributions to our understanding of all ocean basins, including landmark discoveries in the Pacific, Atlantic and Southern Oceans". Congratulations! |
11 February 2017 |
International Day of Women and Girls in Science
With a scientific party of 15 women and 7 men from 8 different countries, the end of the GO-SHIP cruise on RV Maria S. Merian was a perfect opportunity to celebrate
the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
During the cruise have been collected 7 000 km of underway observations over the upper 1 000 m of the ocean, undertaken 129 full-depth hydrographic stations, and unwound 500 km of wire, on a line running from the southern tip of Africa to South America along 34.5 degrees South.
The cruise also showed the importance of cooperation across different observing networks: A number of Argo floats have been deployed, and the course of the vessel has even been altered for a few hours to recover a malfunctioning R&D Bio-Argo float for French colleagues.

7 February 2017 |
Punta Arenas, today crossroads for GO-SHIP cruises
Three global class ship on GO-SHIP missions are meeting today in South America: RV Ronald H. Brown (US) at the end of P18, RV Polarstern (Germany) at the end of A12-SR04, and RV Mirai (Japan) at the beginning of P17. |
18 January 2017 |
Students wanted for 2017 US GO-SHIP cruises
The US GO-SHIP program is looking for students to participate in hydrographic long-line cruises
(1-2 months) this coming summer (2017) in the South Pacific, see details here. |
6 January 2017 |
German Research Vessel now on South-Atlantic GO-SHIP cruise
Maria S. Merian has left Cape Town and follows 34.5 degrees South across the Atlantic on a modified A10 GO-SHIP line,
therewith joining boundary Brazil and South African Samba and SAMOC sections, respectively. It is a multinational cruise and presents a good mechanismn to involve more countries in GO-SHIP. |
15 December 2016 |
GO-SHIP Committee Meeting
The 6th GO-SHIP Committee Teleconference took place today, meeting minutes are available in the documents section or directly here. |
26 November 2016 |
US cruise on P18 underway
NOAA ship Ronald R. Brown is currently performing a GO-SHIP cruise on P18.
1 September 2016 |
Norway on 75N
Norway has completed a cruise on section 75N with R/V G. O. Sars.
11 August 2016 |
JMA completed P09
JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency) just completed the P09 cruise with RV Ryofu-Maru after a total of 91 casts.
25 July 2016 |
New GCOS Implementation Plan: Public Review
The public review of the new 2016 GCOS Implementation plan "The Global Observing System for Climate: Implementation Needs" is now open.
This new implementation plan aims to guide climate observations over the next 10 years, meeting the needs of the UNFCC, adaptation planning, climate services and climate science. Following approval by the GCOS steering committee, a final version will be submitted to the UNFCCC for COP22.
Anyone interested in climate observations is invited to comment on this draft by 5 September 2016. The review draft and instructions on how to submit comments can be found here.
15 July 2016 |
International Data Prize
WCRP and GCOS have established an International Data Prize, awarded annually to honour achievements in (climate) data product generation, data management, data preservation, data monitoring, and other data relevant activities by an early- to mid-career researcher.
More details on eligibility, required nomination material and selection process can be found here .
Nominations of suitable candidates should be forwarded to the WCRP (mrixen@wmo.int) and GCOS (gcosjpo@wmo.int), and must be received by 1 Oct 2016.
14 July 2016 |
IOCCP-JAMSTEC Calibration Experiment
The report on the IOCCP-JAMSTEC 2015 Inter-laboratory Calibration Exercise of a Certified Reference Material for Nutrients in Seawater is now available
25 June 2016 |
RV Sarmiento de Gamboa on A25
Spain, in cooperation with France, is currently on A25(OVIDE). The cruise started from Vigo on 19 June and the work on A25 should be finished by 14 July.
31 May 2016 |
New cruises announced by JAPAN
JAMSTEC confirmed today a full 99-day shiptime to occupy I07S and I08N with RV Mirai in the 2019-20 season.
26 May 2016 |
P15 S first leg completed
RV Investigator has successfully sampled P15 S from the ice-edge to 42 S. Leg 2, from 42 S to the equator, will begin next Friday.
26 April 2016 |
Australia underway to P15S
RV Investigator has just left Hobart for a 7 day transit to the first station. The sea-ice is expanding northwards, but it is hoped that operations can start at 57 degrees South.
30 March 2016 |
RV Roger Revelle now on I09N
The third occupation of the GO-SHIP I09N line is underway; most of the used equipment had already been set up for the preceeding IO8S cruise. Follow the cruise here.
19 February 2016 |
GO-SHIP Town Hall at 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting: 25 Feb / 12:45 PM
Members of the GO-SHIP Committee will report on the status of the now ongoing (2012-2023) decadal
hydrographic global survey, established through an international collaboration amongst a
number of nations and therefore requiring significant coordination to ensure a coherent program.
This town hall will provide an update, including (1) the status of and updates to the current plans, (2) data availability and suggestions for improvements
to data access, (3) connections and contributions to related large-scale ocean projects and other ocean observing systems, and (4) emerging issues that the
global survey should consider. When and where: Thursday, February 25 from 12:45 PM to 01:45 PM at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center (228-230). The direct link to the OSM program is here.
18 February 2016 |
USA on I08S
The US currently occupy I08S with RV Roger Revelle. Follow the cruise on its blog
or find more information on the cruise website. |
17 February 2016 |
Proposals for 2016 SCOR Working Groups
The Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR)
is accepting proposals for 2016 SCOR Working Groups from now until 17 April 2016. SCOR will approve new working groups at its annual meeting, this year held in Sopot,
Poland on 5-7 September 2016. Please find the 2016 Call for SCOR Working Groups here.
The guidelines, a template, and word limits, are available here.
19 January 2016 |
GLobal Ocean Data Analysis Project version 2, GLODAPv2
Now available here: A major update of the original GLODAP (2004). Data from 724 cruises are included, covering 1972 to 2013. GLODAPv2 includes all data from the original GLODAP, data from CARINA and PACIFICA, and data from 168 new cruises. All data have been evaluated for measurement bias and adjusted appropriately, using a consistent method. The end result is the most comprehensive and rigorously quality controlled ocean interior data product for marine biogeochemistry studies. |
15 January 2016 |
In Memoriam: Aida Fernandez Rios
The GO-SHIP community mourns the sudden and unexpected loss of our friend and colleague, Aida Fernandez Rios, who passed away in December 2015. Aida was an esteemed researcher and a person of great humanity who spearheaded the repeat oceanography efforts in Spain since the early 90-ties. She was a scientific leader and a nourishing mentor to her many students. Her achievements were numerous.
She was among the first females to conduct studies in marine sciences in Spain, where she became a pioneer in the research of the role of the oceans in climate change with a focus on the global ocean carbon cycle. She was also the first woman to become director of the Institute for Marine Research, in Vigo, Spain, a premier laboratory of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). She published over 90 highly cited peer-reviewed papers. She was highly regarded in the ocean carbon community for her expertise insights, tenacity and contagious cheerful personality. She was well known for her strong interest in collaboration and international outreach to push science forward and get things done. Her contributions to the GO-SHIP program were numerous. Of particular note, was her dedication to maintain quality measurements and outstanding interpretations of the frequently repeated OVIDE and FICARAM lines in the North Atlantic. Her research elucidated the complex interplay of transport, biology, and invasion of CO2 from the atmosphere on ocean acidification and carbon cycling in this basin. The GO-SHIP community will maintain her legacy and honor her memory.
Many colleagues already contributed to her in memoriam page.
12 January 2016 |
Ireland on A02 in 2017
In a joint initiative between the Marine Institute and National University of Ireland, and with additional support from the international GO-SHIP community, Ireland is planning to occupy A02 in 2017. |
2 January 2016 |
GO-SHIP publication in Annual Review of Marine Science
Now available here: Changes in Ocean Heat, Carbon Content, and Ventilation: A Review of the First Decade of GO-SHIP Global Repeat Hydrography. |
24 November 2015 |
GO-SHIP 5 Final report
The final version of the GO-SHIP 5 meeting minutes is now available in the documents section, or directly here. |
10 November 2015 |
Updated Data Requirements
The GO-SHIP 5 meeting report will be published shortly. In the meantime, the updated data requirements are already available here. |
1 October 2015 |
New Committee members
Masao Fukasawa (Japan), Takeshi Kawano (Japan), Mauricio Mata (Brazil) and Richard Feely (USA) rotated off the GO-SHIP Committee: Many thanks for all the support they provided. Additional new Committee members are Katsuro Katsumata
(Japan), Jae Hak LEE (Korea), Emil Jeansson (Norway), Anil Kumar (India), Eleanor O'Rourke (Ireland) and Edmo Campos (Brazil). The complete Committee is here. |
18 September 2015 |
Galway Results
New countries, new committee members, and new GO-SHIP categories are the most important results of the 5th meeting of the general GO-SHIP Committee, and GAIC week. |
25 August 2015 |
Committee Meeting
Prior to GAIC, a GO-SHIP committee meeting will take place in Galway on 14 September at, and kindly supported by, the Marine Institute. |
31 July 2015 |
GOOS Webinar on GO-SHIP
11 September at 12:00 p.m. Global Mean Time (GMT), GOOS Webinar by GO-SHIP Co-Chair Bernadette Sloyan (CSIRO): Update on the GO-SHIP network, plans and recent scientific results.
The GOOS Webinar Series is a monthly opportunity to hear about activities and topics of interest to the GOOS community and to interact with the speaker.
1 July 2015 |
GO-SHIP Executive Group: reviewed meeting minutes available
The reviewed meeting minutes of the last Executive Group meeting (9 April) are now available here. |
11 June 2015 |
US on second leg for P16N
With a few days of delay, RV Ron Brown is now on the second leg of P16N. The sea is as calm as can be on what is called the "North Pacific strom track" |
29 May 2015 |
Canada and Norway occupy lines
Canada has established a GO-SHIP cruise in the Davis Strait, and Norway on AR7. A UK cruise is underway. |
30 April 2015 |
GO-SHIP at JCOMM meetings
GO-SHIP co-chairs and coordinator contributed to the JCOMM Ship Observations Team (SOT) and Observations Coordination Group (OCG) meetings in Cape Town, South Africa. |
9 April 2015 |
Executive Group Meeting
The GO-SHIP Executive Group held a video conference today, meeting minutes will be available shortly in the documents section. |
18 March 2015 |
JCOMMOPS inaugurates new office
The new JCOMMOPS office, which also hosts the GO-SHIP coordinator, opended its doors today on the campus of Ifremer in Brest, France. |
20 February 2015 |
German icebreaker Polarstern cancels part of GO-SHIP cruise
RV Polarstern sucessfully measured the A12 line, but could not complete the cruise in the Weddel Sea after technical issues with the ship. |
31 January 2015 |
UK occupies Drake Passage / SR1
The UK has occupied the GO-SHIP line in the Drake Passage this month, a few weeks later than planned and with reduced parameters. |
4 December 2014 |
Conference Announcement
"Sustained ocean observing for the next decade". A combined GO-SHIP/Argo/IOCCP conference on physical and biogeochemical measurements of the water column. 14-18 September 2015, Galway, Ireland. More information on the event website. |
8 November 2014 |
GO-SHIP Executive Group: reviewed meeting minutes available
The reviewed meeting minutes of the last Executive Group meeting (23 September) are now available here. |
1 November 2014 |
Australian P15S cruise confirmed for 2015
Australia has just confirmed that the new RV Investigator will occupy P15S in 2015, the cruise status has progressed to 'funded'. |
5 October 2014 |
French cruise looking for partners
A French cruise will occupy in July/August 2015 with RV Atalante a part of the P13 line (from 10S to 2N, along 165, every 1/3 degree) but would need support from another cruise and group to gain GO-SHIP status. Contact the GO-SHIP coordinator for more details. |
28 September 2014 |
Extended Ellett line gains GO-SHIP status
The GO-SHIP Executive Group has agreed to add the Extended Ellett Line to the GO-SHIP network. |
8 September 2014 |
GO-SHIP 4 reviewed meeting minutes
The reviewed version of the GO-SHIP 4 meeting minutes (2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting in Hawaii) is now available here. |
15 August 2014 |
New US CLIVAR/OCB publication
The new joint US CLIVAR/OCB publication "The US Repeat Hydrography CO2/Tracer Program (GO-SHIP): Accomplishments from the first decadal survey" is now available here. |
23 July 2014 |
Cruise update
The US fund a national US-GO-SHIP proposal and will occupy with NOAA and UNOLS vessels P16, Arctic Geotraces (ARC01), P18, I08S, I09N, I01E, P06, I05, A13.5, I06S and S4P between 2015 and 2020.
Canada and the UK occupied AR07 last month. |
15 June 2014 |
P16S completed
P16 S was completed by the US last month: 90 stations in 46 days on Nathaniel B. Palmer between Hobart and Papeete. |
5 June 2014 |
Cruise update
Japan confirmed a reoccupation of I10 in the summer of 2015 with RV Mirai. |
15 May 2014 |
GO-SHIP Executive Group video conference
A GO-SHIP Executive Group and Committee video conference took place on 15 May, the reviewed minutes are available here. |
12 April 2014 |
The final version of the GO-SHIP position paper on the International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE)-2 is now available here. |
23 February 2014 |
GO-SHIP Committee and Executive Group Meeting
The GO-SHIP Committee and Executive Group met in Honolulu before the opening of the 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting to take important decisions for the future of the program.
In particular the design of the network, core parameters and coordination of contributions and capacities by country have been discussed.
More information are available on the meeting website. |
16 February 2014 |
Town Hall during Ocean Sciences Meeting
We would like to invite all interested colleagues to a GO-SHIP / IOCCP Town Hall meeting during the Ocean Sciences Meeting in Honolulu on Wednesday 26 February 2014 at 12:45 in room 313B: Invitation (pdf). |
21 January 2014 |
New Status Maps
New status maps in different formats and projections will soon be available. First draft maps are already on the Reference Sections page. |
16 December 2013 |
GO-SHIP Zotero Group
The GO-SHIP bibliography has been transformed into a Zotero Group Library. |
24 November 2013 |
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014
GO-SHIP organizes a Town Hall meeting during the 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting in Honolulu: 26 February, 12:45 to 01:45. |
21 October 2013 |
Global Cruise Plan
The main part of the information we gathered in August and September on upcoming cruises has been compiled and validated. |
2 October 2013 |
The updated bibliography is now available. Many thanks for all the feedback we received. We will transfer the bibliography gradually to a Zotero Group Library. |
27 September 2013 |
Cooperation with DBCP
GO-SHIP Coordinator Martin Kramp reported at JCOMM's 29th DBCP session at IOC HQ in Paris on the potential to deepen the cooperation between the programs. |
7 September 2013 |
GO-SHIP at OOPC-16 and OCG-5
Committee member Lynne Talley represented GO-SHIP this week at the JCOMM meetings OOPC-16 and OCG-5 in Silver Springs (USA) on behalf of the chairs |
19 August 2013 |
GO-SHIP meeting 2014
GO-SHIP committee and community meetings are planned in February 2014 in Hawaii, prior to the Ocean Sciences meeting. Further information will be provided here as soon as possible. |
30 July 2013 |
Co-Chair and Coordinator meeting

Bernadette Sloyan, Martin Kramp (on the left) and Mathieu Belbeoch met at JCOMMOPS HQ in Toulouse (France). Metadata on upcoming cruises and a GO-SHIP bibliography were main topics. Corresponding changes were realized in the structure of the website. |
18 June 2013 |
New Email List
A new Email list has been set up. If you were subscribed to the old list and your mail address
recently changed, please subscribe again. |
23 May 2013 |
GO-SHIP welcomes new Committee Members
GO-SHIP welcomes Isabelle Ansorge and Mauricio Mata in the Committee. The GO-SHIP Committee members are now:
Chris Sabine (NOAA, USA; co-chair)
Bernadette Sloyan (CSIRO, Australia; co-chair)
Isabelle Ansorge (UCT, South Africa)
Masao Fukasawa (JAMSTEC, Japan)
Nicolas Gruber (ETH, Switzerland)
Masao Ishii (MRI-JMA, Japan)
Gregory Johnson (NOAA, USA)
Brian King (NOCS, UK)
Mauricio Mata (FURG, Brazil)
Lynne Talley (SIO, USA)
Toste Tanhua (IFM-GEOMAR, Germany)
Richard Feely (NOAA, USA; ex-officio) |
19 April 2013 |
Co-Chairs meet new Coordinator
GO-SHIP Co-Chairs Bernadette Sloyan and Christopher Sabine met with the new GO-SHIP Coordinator Martin Kramp in Seattle (USA) and Victoria (Canada) to define a work plan. |