WWW.GO-SHIP.ORG | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Core Measurements, Categories and Submission Timelines The GO-SHIP Committee has grouped GO-SHIP cruises in three different categories, and measurements in three levels of different importance.
Decadal full GO-SHIP: Level 1 data are of highest priority to fulfill the scientific objectives of the GO-SHIP cruises. Level 1 data should be collected at least once per decade on all lines of the GO-SHIP network.
Cruises which are repeated at higher frequency (categories below) may collect limited parameters, but full level 1 remains the GO-SHIP recommendation for cruises of all categories.
High Frequency GO-SHIP: Regular GO-SHIP lines occupied at higher frequencies (yearly, biennial) with limited parameters, but with at least one decadal full GO-SHIP cruise. High frequency cruises must i) occupy the regular line end-to-end, ii) full depth, and iii) comply with the data policy.
Associated GO-SHIP: Repeat hydrographic sections off regular GO-SHIP lines and not necessarily coast-to-coast or coast-to-ice, which i) deliver high quality data, ii) establish full depth stations below 2000m at least every 240nm,
iii) are repeated on decadal frequency or more, at least once per decade with sufficient level 1 parameters to quantify decadal change in inorganic carbon and heat inventories, iv) at a minimum resolution of 60nm, and v) comply with the data policy.
Level 1 data:
Level 2 data are highly desirable as augmentation and
addition for the science objectives executed on GO-SHIP cruises. GO-SHIP
recommends that level 2 data should be collected when possible. Level 2 data:
Level 3 data are ancillary measurements that often
benefit from being taken in conjunction with the core measurements and/or
address a scientific question unique to the region of investigation. They are collected
according to opportunity and space available. They should not significantly
interfere with sampling of level 1 or 2 parameters, and may be regional or
specific to an individual cruise. Level 3 data (examples):
Data Policy Timelines All level 1, 2, and 3 data obtained
on GO-SHIP cruises shall be openly accessible to the community at large. The
following timelines for submission of data are in place. All data should be publically available
preferably through a central data management site. CCHDO has agreed to serve
all GO-SHIP data. Within 5 weeks of the cruise, released to the relevant data management structure:
Within 6 months of the cruise, presuming the 5-week releases of CTD and discrete
salinity data:
Within 6 months of shore-based analysis:
Within 2 years of analysis: Other discrete sampling programs
that are likely to be carried out on many of the cruises, such as transmissometry and optics, should be submitted to the
relevant data management groups (examples are a JGOFS SMP project for global transmissometry,
and the NASA DAC for optics). |